What to do before the scan 

Elective Prenatal 3D/4D Ultrasound


Elective ultrasounds are designed to provide a positive bonding experience for expectant mothers and their families.


Please make sure you have had a complete diagnostic ultrasound through the guidance of your healthcare provider before coming to an appointment with MYULTRASOUND. Drink plenty of fluids throughout your pregnancy and especially 2 days leading up to your scheduled Ultrasound Session. This allows the baby and Mom-To-Be effectively produce more amniotic fluid, which in turn increases the likelihood of better quality images. Arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled session to complete our forms.


Is this covered by my insurance or Medicaid?


Since this is an elective, non-medical ultrasound it is not covered by insurance or Medicaid. This is in no way diagnostic and is not intended to replace your diagnostic ultrasound.  We accept payment in the form of cash, check, Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Discover.


Do I need an appointment?


Yes, appointments are necessary for all of our services.  You may schedule online or call our ofice at 214-932-9109


What is an Elective Prenatal 3D/4D Ultrasound?


Elective ultrasounds are designed to provide a positive bonding experience for expectant mothers and their families. MYULTRASOUND requires that a medical, diagnostic ultrasound be completed before enjoying your elective 3D/4D experience.


Are 3D/4D Ultrasounds safe?


Ultrasounds have been studied extensively for over 35 years. Research has shown that they cause no known harmful effects on the mother or the fetus. Your 3D/4D ultrasound session utilizes the same type of ultrasound as a conventional 2D scan performed in your doctor’s office.


Can this type of Ultrasound take the place of an Ultrasound done at my doctor’s office?


Absolutely not! This is an elective, non-diagnostic ultrasound and will in no way replace a diagnostic scan done at an OB office. We require that women opting to have an elective 3D/4D ultrasound be under the care of an OB physician and must have already undergone a medical, diagnostic ultrasound.


When is the best time to have a 3D/4D Ultrasound?


The ideal time to have a 3D/4D ultrasound is between 27 and 32 weeks. Prior to 27 weeks, babies usually don’t have enough fat and tend not to have that ideal baby look. Typically 27 to 28 weeks is considered the ideal time because the baby has some fat and still has plenty of room to move about the womb. After 32 weeks, the baby really starts gaining weight and can be difficult to see. Additionally the baby may be facing the spine, and although that is the ideal birthing position, it makes the face more difficult to image.


What can I do to help achieve the Ultimate 3D/4D Experience for me?


Please make sure you have had an early diagnostic ultrasound through the guidance of your healthcare provider before coming to an appointment. Drink plenty of fluids throughout your pregnancy and especially 2 days leading up to your scheduled Ultrasound Session. This allows the baby and Mom-To-Be effectively produce more amniotic fluid, which in turn increases the likelihood of better quality images.  Arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled session to complete our forms.


Will you be able to tell the sex of the baby?


In most cases we can provide an indication of the sex of the baby. We cannot however guarantee that the baby will cooperate during your session. Certain factors such as body tissue content, developmental stage and fetal position can affect the ability to determine sex.


Can I bring friends and family to my appointment?


Yes, of course! Our facility encourages friends and family to attend your session. We want everyone important to you to be able to enjoy this most special bonding opportunity. MYULTRASOUND allows friends/family members during the session.


Will I always get a great image of my baby?


Usually, but unfortunately we cannot guarantee that the images will be ideal. Sometimes the baby is not in the ideal position for optimal pictures, or there is not enough fluid around the face. Other factors that may prevent optimal pictures are advanced gestational age and maternal obesity.